Frequently asked questions

How do I book?

Please use the ‘Book now’ button at the top of this page to go to my booking system. This can also be found on my instagram account. Alternatively, please fill out the form on my contact page or send an email to If you cannot find an appropriate time slot please get in touch and we will assist you.

What happens during the consultation?

A consultation includes a personalised assessment of your needs and the treatments that will help you achieve your desired effect. I will take a medical history, obtain consent for the treatment planned with an explanation of any relevant risks and benefits, take before and after photos. A 2 week review appointment is included for anti-arinkle treatments.

Is the free consultation really free?

Absolutely! It is good practice to give people time to truly consider their options, discuss with family/friends and make a fully informed decision. After all, this is your face! There is no pressure to have any treatment on the day of the consultation and if you decide it is not for you, then that’s no problem at all.

Do you do walk-in appointments?

My clinics tend to be booked up in advance but if there is a gap I will advertise this on my social media stories - please follow me on Instagram for this:

Are you offering a mobile service?

No, I am not currently offering a mobile service.

Which dermal filler brands do you use?

I primarily use Teoxane dermal filler. Teoxane has recently been awarded the ‘Best Manufacturer’ award at the Aesthetics Awards. It is a premium brand of dermal filler with a unique manufacturing process that uses longer heating times to achieve cross-linking, which means the hyaluronic acid chains remain long. This gives it a natural appearance during facial expression, but a volumised appearance at rest. I also have experience with other premium ranges such as Belotero and Juvederm.

How long do dermal fillers last for?

The effects of dermal fillers last 3-18 months depending on the area injected.

Will the treatment be painful?

Prior to dermal filler treatment Dr Vella will apply some local anaesthetic cream in order to provide a degree of numbing to the area treated. Very fine needles are used with the minimal number of injection points required to achieve the desired result. If you are nervous about your treatment please discuss this with Dr Vella.


Why do you not specify which treatments you use for wrinkles?

It is against the law to advertise prescription only medications including Botox / botulinum toxin. If you would like further information on treatments available please contact me.

Do you have indemnity insurance?

Yes, I have an insurance policy with Hamilton-Fraser, leading cosmetic insurance provider.

Why should I go to a doctor for my treatments?

Whilst most cosmetic treatments are given without complication giving great results, some serious side effects are possible. Doctors are trained to recognise and treat these complications and are well practiced in dealing with emergencies. They have completed a 4-6 year degree involving extensive anatomy training including cadaver dissection, pharmaceuticals and prescribing training. They are able to prescribe private prescriptions to treat any further requirements and you can rest assured that they are constantly appraised by their training board and regulatory body. Dr Nicola Vella has a yearly appraisal and is used to dealing with medical emergencies in her hospital work as a medical registrar.

How do you accept payment?

We accept all major credit/debit cards including American Express and Apple Pay. Bank transfer and cash are also accepted although limited change is held so please bring the exact amount.

Are people going to notice I’ve had some treatment?

Many clients comment that their partners/friends have not noticed that they have had treatment because it is so natural looking. They however, do notice the difference and feel more confident because of it. This is the look I am going for - natural looking beauty enhancement. I tend to go slowly and if top-up antiwrinkle treatment is required then that can be done at the 2 week review. This gives you the peace of mind of being able to assess how it is taking effect over the first 2 week period and deciding whether you want more or not.


I am 30 years old - do I need these treatments?

Let’s be clear. Nobody ‘needs’ any of these treatments. But you don’t ‘need’ to have your nails or hair done either - it is what makes us feel good about ourselves that is important. Botulinum toxin treatments can prevent wrinkles forming and therefore 30 is not an unreasonable time to start treatments. But having treatment at 40 or 50 doesn’t mean you are too late either. As a medical aesthetic doctor my aim is to improve well-being by providing aesthetic treatments that improve your confidence and self-esteem. If something bothers you when you are 30 why not explore options to treat it. If it doesn’t bother you until you are 50 then don’t treat it until then.